
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tomato Experts

Ok, so I've been reading up a lot on tomatoes and one site said the stems of tomatoes are weak because they are used to fighting natural winds. This blogger solves the problem by turning a light fan on a couple times a day for short intervals of wind. So I tried it. Anybody ever heard of this? Am I just merely using more energy to make the most beautiful $40 tomato ever? ;-)

The tomatoes are all doing really well. In fact, I planted 3 seeds per cup and had to pull out 2 in almost every single one. This will be an easy cost savings for next year.

These are Moonglow from Seed Savers. I'll have extras if anyone wants to plant some.

Another Highlight - Gurney's Hybrid Zephyr  Squash. It seems to be really happy inside. 

Now if it would just stop raining long enough so we could get some nice compost put on the garden we'd be really ready to go. Here's hoping this weekend dries out a bit! Cheers and happy gardening to all. 

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