
Friday, July 29, 2011

Becoming a Foodie

I'm re-reading French Women Don't Get Fat. I love this book. I am a non-dieter. I hate the way my life (in the past) revolved around counting fat/calories/fiber etc. I was constantly disappointed and bored to death with my saltines and Lean Cuisines. I love the way she (Mireille Guiliano) describes food: the smells, textures, pairings w/ wine etc. I also love the philosophy of not looking at food or eating as enemies.

Now the obstacles:
  • learning to cook,
  • learning to appreciate subtle tastes,
  • and learning to appreciate good food.
Well I do LOVE to learn so I'm excited to get started on this adventure. (Helps that I'm surrounded by good cooks - my mother, grandmother, father, brother, aunts, roommate, and boyfriend are all excellent mentors.)

I also have a Merit Badge Blog and cooking is badge #28 so look for some upcoming blog crossover.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July Catch-Up

I'm not sure how it happened, but it's the end of July already.

This month I have:
  • fought to get my driver's license
  • fought to get my license plates
  • met Hannah's new baby girl Wren
  • saw my friend Diane and her family
  • laughed hysterically with Hannah and Jill
  • had dinner with Mom and Dad - repeatedly
  • traveled to Somerset, WI to go camping/tubing with friends
  • met lots of wonderful Kirkwood employees
  • learned some cooking techniques
  • searched for apartments/houses - failure so far
  • spent time with my new someone getting to know him better
  • started some tomato plants - results to be posted later
  • saw Harry Potter 7 - Part 2 - bawled my eyes out
So far I've been far busier than I had planned and a little down time wouldn't hurt, so of course I'm heading to Anamosa this weekend and going up to Detriot Lakes, MN to Wefest next Tues-Sun. Wish me luck....I'm pretty sure I'm going to need it.

I am pretty desperately missing my friends back in CA. I very much appreciate the text messages, phone calls, wall posts, heytells, etc. Thank you!

I've included a picture of Hannah's oldest son Owen holding his new baby sister Wren.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chicago - June 26th

Instead of doing a summer party for the bank the employees took a bus into Chicago. Some went in for the Taste of Chicago, others did the Shed Aquarium, museums, or shopping. Mom, Dad and I went to the Taste and then decided to take an Archictectural Cruise of Chicago. It was a wonderful day of amazing sites and great food.